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  • Writer's pictureOmar Pusey

London Ontario isn’t boring, you’re just being lazy

Sunfest main stage

I’m back in the city I grew up in, immersed in culture that I mostly forgot about when I didn’t live in London Ontario, known to local residents as the forest city.

This is my first full summer back in London since 2017, it feels almost nostalgic being back in the city I called home as a child and engaging in the summer activities. London was recently called the saddest city in Canada, which might not come as a surprise to some of the locals.

London is primarily thought of as a family oriented city. In terms of culture and community building, there hasn’t been a significant change since I was younger. But that doesn’t mean that culture doesn’t exist here, it’s just hidden.

If you're from East of Adelaide (EOA) then you know exactly what I'm talking about. During my time in the city people often referred to the EOA as “Ghetto” or “scary” but it's where the heart and soul of London resides.

For example, Hamilton Road is full of vibrant shops with merchants and international restaurants.

Most people think of London as a College Town because 2 significant post secondary institutions, Western University and Fanshawe College are located here. Don’t fret, there are some hidden gems to London, and if you blink you might completely miss them.

With roughly 500,000 people in the city, there is something to do, you just don’t know about it.

So when does the culture of the EOA come out of the shadows and share its quirks with the rest of the city? It’s July, let's look into one of the biggest events of the year: Sunfest.

Sunfest, arguably the best outdoor event in London, is a 4-day festival that combines rich music, performances, food, and cultural practices all in the center of Victoria Park in London Ontario.

It’s a surreal phenomena where you see the diverse culture of the city come together and share their culture with the community. Some of the businesses don’t even have physical businesses, but wanted to participate in the Sunfest festivities (I mean there is a lot of money to be made as well).

Since its founding in 1995 by Alfredo Caxaj, Sunfest has grown into a festival that illustrates positivity and celebrates the various rhythms found across the globe.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have significantly impacted events like sunfest for a couple of years, but it seems like the event is back with a vengeance.

Whether you're into music festivals, food, or want to indulge into arts and hobbies, there is plenty for people to engage in.

Prepare beforehand and bring cash, as several places will not take cash or credit. (ATM’s are located on sight for those living life on the edge).

Enjoy some of the photos I took while I was there, nothing better than catching some photos in the moment.

If you are in London Ontario next Summer DON’T miss out on this event, then proceed to say that London has nothing to offer.

In this city, great things come to those that explore.

Coffee consumed while writing this post: 80 OZ (Yeah I am an addict)


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